Areas of Practice

Areas of Practice

Personal Injury Lawyer Olympia WA

Our personal injury services are dedicated to ensuring victims receive the compensation they deserve.

Wrongful Death

Our wrongful death legal services are committed to helping families seek justice for their irreplaceable loss.

Car Accidents

Our car accident legal services are focused on securing rightful compensation for crash victims.

Workplace Injuries

Our workplace injury legal services strive to obtain fair compensation for on-the-job accidents.

Industrial Insurance Appeals

Our industrial insurance appeals services are dedicated to challenging unjust claim denials effectively.

Real Estate

Our real estate legal services ensure seamless transactions and protection of property rights.

Landlord Representation

Our landlord representation legal services provide expert guidance to ensure property owners’ rights are upheld.

Civil Litigation

Our civil litigation legal services champion your rights, navigating complex disputes with expertise.

Criminal Charges/DUI

Our criminal defense legal services stand firm to protect your rights and ensure a fair trial.

Estate Planning

Our estate planning services craft tailored strategies to safeguard your assets and legacy.


Our legal probate services simplify the process, ensuring estates are settled efficiently and fairly.

Business Law

Our business law services provide astute counsel, steering enterprises through legal challenges seamlessly.

Harassment/Domestic Violence

Our harassment and domestic violence legal services advocate fiercely for victims, ensuring safety and justice.

Civil Rights

Our civil rights legal services are dedicated to upholding individual freedoms and challenging injustices.